stream-chat GitHub release (latest SemVer) Discord pages-build-deployment

Chat Overlay for OBS based on’s websocket, using pronouns from



To use the Chat overlay locally just download the newest release from the releases page and unpack it somewhere OBS can reach it.

After unpacking you can open generator.html in a browser to open the configurator.


While this is the easier method, using the online method comes with some drawbacks. First and foremost that Github has a soft limit on Bandwidth and Availability. There is no guarantee that this will always work.

Also keep in mind that Github has their own data collection policies.

To get started with using this method go to


Supported settings are in It’s easier to use the generator page, but in case you want to build the URL by hand or programatically, these might be helpful


Generally the best way to troubleshoot is to open the browser console (F12) and check for any errors. Error messages in the console might differ depending on your browser. Given OBS is based on CEF(Chromium Embedded Framework) it’s likely that Chrome’s console is the most accurate.

If you’re not sure what to do, feel free to open an issue and we’ll try to help. You can also join the discord(see below) and we can help you in text or voice chat.

Settings set in the generator aren’t working in OBS

Possible reasons:


Can’t connect to WebSocket

Possible errors in the console:

Possible reasons:


WebSocket connected but doesn’t show messages

Possible errors in the console:

Possible reasons:


I’ve read this README but I still have questions/problems, where can I get help?

If you have a Github account, opening an issue is the best way to give feedback. Otherwise feel free to join my Discord and ask your questions in the appropriate support channels.

Contributors / Thanks

Thanks to @andi242 for his fork on